

Woke up feeling pretty shitty today. I don't know, I think its the never ending silence in the house, nobody to talk to and the best friend miles away. The hub is away, but sometimes even when he is home is like he isn't. Talking to him sometimes is like talking to the walls..no answer. Oh well. Took the dogs outside this morning and i fell on my ass because my dear neighbor decides to take her dog on the front yard [she has a backyard, selfish bitch] and her dog doesn't know what a leash is. *rolls eyes* so little weak me was trying to hold on to Coco so she doesnt take off to the poor puppy and I fell and i played it off by making the dogs sit next to me and give Coco a talk. She is a good dog and listens..when she wants. Eh..may be I should youtube some bollywood videos..they always make me smile.

1 comment:

  1. if i was closer i'd chill with ya. :( i wish you werent so lonely feeling. (HUG)
