

Its a lazy day for me today. I've been surfing the web all day being a bum, watching the MJ memorial which made my little grinch heart a little soft and drop acid tears. Anyway, there I was searching and reading, I call it, educating myself on the world while facebooking and myspacing ha! I came across an article saying that we can't say the word "MIDGET" anymore? Or at least trying to make it that way on television. ARE YOU KIDDING?! I understand not saying the "N" word. That is a big no no..but now it has come to the "R" word, the "F" word, the "B" word..and now we have the "M" word..well next you will be the "O" word when I go around calling y'all oompa-loompas. It seems lately people get easily offended at the most stupid little detail they can get their ears or eyes on. Its like they are using their disabilities to get special treatment. I'm sorry you are not going to get that crap from me. I'm a heartless bitch, didn't y'all know?


1 comment:

  1. you aint heartless. other ppl are just stupid about it all. gotta be a reason for something. i wont cry if you call me a midget! :D
